The problem with world of tanks

This is a rant on the current meta of world of tanks. Feel free to discuss.

[studzianki terrible map good matchmaking]

[ Berlin, terrible map on top of the terrible matchmaking…..]

The current main issue with world of tanks is the matchmaker and these two result screens support just that. Note that the first game is the prime example of a balanced game where the game lasted around 7-9 minutes then you have the bottom game which only lasted under 4 minutes LOL.

What exactly is the issue?

Well…. the game on the bottom i couldn't even reach a position not even a few kilometres from spawn and what was the root cause ? Ebrs, not even that my own team didnt even have ebrs and the ebrs that were present rushed in the base spotted the whole team then dipped. This isn't even an uncommon occurrence in games but actually a pretty common pattern in games with ebrs. The whole team on the receiving end is usually too scared to even fight back the ebrs and even then if they do they get instantly killed resulting in these massive rofl stomps from the opposing team. Although one issue has been relatively solved which is artillery i still think it should be removed as something like arty has no place in this game as i think its still very unfair to get clicked from the back of the map with no consequences even with the tracers which are useful in combination with the new perk. These changes to arty still dont make campaign missions any easier as they have indirectly trolled anyone who wants to do them as arty is significantly weaker without the missions being easier or being just plain removed which i agree with. There are other factors which play into this horrible meta of 3:15 games that last under 5 minutes. Which is the constant gold spam indirectly encouraged by the ridiculously over-powered premium tanks. Looking at you 279e, which completely destroys tier 10 along side the chieftain and ebrs aka clown cars. Who in their right mind would think a 279e vs a kranvagn would be fair ? Or any other light tank vs a ebr? Another issue is giving over powered cracked tanks to amazing top 1% players who already make this game hard enough (no hate).

What are the solutions to the problems (IMO)

  1. First off the ebrs should be removed as it posses a similar issue like the waffentrager. Yeah you remember that….. It just cant be balanced right without killing the tank outright so i propose the ebrs just be removed which seems drastic but i think is the right way forward.
  2. Gold ammo, Gold ammo. Simple enough just make it do less damage giving Ap a tactical advantage and not who's got the biggest wallet. This would indirectly make heavy tanks great again as i believe heavy tanks are the core of the game like it or not. And im not suggesting a slug fest of heavies but just making the life of heavy players that tad bit easier.
  3. And as for the matchmaking stop giving the other team 279es and one team only a wz 111 5a like lmao what the f??? And also limit the amount of light tanks in a game to 1-3 as anymore just causes the game to finish in under 5 minutes and…. limiting the amount of arties present to only 1-2 because lets be real its still as annoying as before to get bombarded before you can even do anything
  4. Terrible map design lets be real alot of the maps in this game need a rework…. Airfield, empires border, fjords, Highway, Fishermans bay, Mountain pass and many more…

Alot of points here were just of the top of my head and everything is subjective so you can disagree or agree with what i have said or elaborate on anything you want thanks.


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