I've been playing this game ever since 2015, and the most fun I always had was at the end of the year, during the X-mas Event. I always really enjoyed opening boxes I got from playing and decorating the tree, and other things around it. I loved the cozyness of the garage too.
That all changed today.
I update my launcher, excited to play in the event for the 7th time in a row. I log in, and I see that a lot of things have changed. Where are the decorations? Where is the machine that let's you craft decorations? Where are the free lootboxes that were so satisfying to open? What are these materials I have to collect?
I was in disbelief and I tried to find these things I enjoyed through the past few years. After about 10 minutes of searching, I couldn't find what I was looking for. The reason I was playing at the end of every year, because those things existed.
Seriously, am I just dumb and can't find these things or they really reworked the whole thing and put it full of pay2win elements?
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