Udarniy – WTF is with the gun

So, I'm only a N00B and have no issues being a Tomato/Baboon. I know my PP skills are not the greatest and Ive stayed out of T8 till I felt confident of map placement and general knowledge of the game. I scored 3 T8 Premiums in the loot boxes. The Udinary was one of them and on paper seems pretty good. I just find that it can bounce well BUT….

That gun!!!

When it lands a shot, yeah its great, does a bit damage. Lifes choices are good. But this is so rare that actually bake a cake in honor of this day once a year and celebrate Udinary day. Is it just me (most likely) but the Jagdtiger (bit of a hidden Gem I thought was going to be trash) and others I've played recently in rentals I generally manage a top 10 to top 3 finish.

I honestly feel like a crazy Russian clown throwing Unicorns at the other tanks would be more effective as a distraction. Should I not be brawling in it and act like a medium?? Do I need to wait till its fully field modded? Is it a trade in on the next buy back along with the STRV81 I also won?


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