
These are just my personal pet peeves that I think wargaming should change. Here we go;

  1. Why do you reward players 3D Styles for tanks they don't own. Personally I would prefer that I have a choice of which Tank I should put gifted 3D Style on OR better yet the players can choose which Tier X (of which are in the garage) they should but a 3D style on. give us a choice goddammit!!!
  2. There where these missions where you would receive a credit discount for a tier X tank and for some reason you have to use it straight away right after the battle or players would never have the opportunity again… WHY? Just give us a discount coupon which is stored in the Depot until we choose to use it. give us a choice goddammit!!!
  3. Bring back Climbs on maps. The game has been a bit stale recently, at least make the maps somewhat interesting in terms of how you want to interact with them.
  4. Bring back all chat with some changes. Make coordinates for "all chat" unavailable to use in case some player wants to share your team mates location etc. A player should of course have the choice to mute all chat. Dead players should not be seen in all chat by alive players on the enemy team.

That's it… for now. Thanks.


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