Are you bored and don’t know what to do while waiting for the next patch? I’ve got an idea!

This post is about an alternative ''gamemode'' which I call ''Mortal Kombat – EFT Edition''.

So, basically, all you need to do is to bring at least one person willing to participate in your game, bring decent gear with a face shield, glock 17 without iron sights and a couple of 50 round magazines for the pistol, filled with 9×19 PSO ammo and possibly some stims and medications (I suggest bringing the same gear, injectors and number of magazines so the game it's fair to everyone.
For the sake of my idea I recommend playing on Shoreline, Reserve or Interchange (Factory will also do) and once all players get deployed all the participants are to stay at least 13 feet / 4 meters apart from eachother.
The leader of the group plays ''Techno Syndrome (Mortal Kombat)'' and upon the moment at which the voice exclaims ''MORTAL KOMBAT!!!111" all player are to stay in the same position and inject all stims they got.
After that the bloodshed begins and the entire group shoots eachother without using iron sights and rushing to one another until the last person survives the deathmatch.

You can also grab backpacks and put loot in them as the reward for the winner to intensify the game and adjust the rules of my ''gamemode'' to your preference.


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