Bitcoin Farm 12.12 Breakdown

So I have been looking to see if anyone had made an updated spreadsheet breaking down the investment costs of the Bitcoin Farm to see when I would break even and I couldn't find anything so here is one I made, I hope it is useful to some people.

So some things to go over in regards to how I am making these estimates. I am using the Tarkok-markets website to get the last 24-hour price estimates on all items, prices will vary, and that could have a large impact on long-term profit, especially the price of fuel.

Speaking of fuel, I calculated how many "points of fuel" (100 fuel points in a metal fuel tank) are used in a 24 hour period by breaking down what each fuel point is worth which might not be entirely accurate, I intend to redo that to make sure I did it correctly to the best of my knowledge.

We are also assuming with all of these estimates no gradual progression, this works under the assumption that you start today going from 0 graphics cards to 50 and then going on from there.

With all of these items, you can spend all day waiting for people to list them on the flea market undervalue and save a lot of money that way. However, the biggest way to save money is to find these items yourself, something I assume you never did when making these estimates. I like to be as harsh as possible when trying to estimate stuff, so that way I am covered even in the worst of events.

I am ignoring hideout management and crafting skills as I am not really sure how those impact the bitcoin farm, or really anything at all as I have never paid much attention to those skills. I would be happy to add them to the calculation if someone could explain to me what they actually impact.

The last thing I want to mention is the sections color-coded in the darker red, the section I call " Hypothetical / Not Possible". This is what Bitcoin Farm level 3 could do if you don't have the requirement of building the solar farm to even get level 3. Just something I was curious to see is what that section of information is.

Please feel free to let me know if I am missing anything as I am sure many of you already will.

Edit: It was mentioned that fuel costs shouldn't be counted as that cost is being covered by the many other things you should be doing in hideout so I am adding something if you want to ignore fuel costs. I also want to mention that to make Bitcoin Farm 3 you need Water Collector 3, a cost I did not account for, I chose not to assume that most people will just naturally get water collection 3 for super water and booze collector, I don't think most people get solar farm which is why I counted one and not the other.

Also, I created a new sheet dividing some of the solar vs non-solar data, which might make it easier to look at.

Edit2: Forgot the Euros in Solar power when I redid them, only a small 11 mil rub error that had no impact whatsoever.


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