Categories: GuidesValheim

Decor and storage

I was thinking there should be more display options for excess items, such as:

  1. Bowl and bucket of berries (the picture for raspberries should also be a bunch of them, like for blueberries, so it's not just one giant berry when you display a single one)
  2. Bunch of carrots
  3. Jar and jug of honey
  4. Sack of barley
  5. Basket of bread
  6. Box and crate of mead
  7. Jar of Greydwarf eyes
  8. Rack of leather, hide, and pelts
  9. Vase of dandelion and thistle
  10. Basket of flax and unprocessed barley
  11. Sewing basket of linen thread
  12. Sack of feathers
  13. Pile of surtling cores


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