Categories: GuidesValheim

difficulty option ideas -suggestions

i made a post earlier asking if there are plans about adding difficulty and i learned that plans are on the way indead .it got me thinking about ways it can be implemented without taking away its harcore identity with a simple easy and normal mode .

my 1st idea : instead of choosing the easy / normal / hard / extreme mode or whatever right at the start , it might be better to start a new world without a difficulty option so it stays true to its harcore -ness .that way the current difficulty will be the default as the devs intended and only if a player activelly decides he cant play it that hard ,he can then choose from an in-world option to lower it . (if you give the "normal difficulty "option at the start of a new world, people are gonna most certainly choose to lower it .)

2nd idea: instead of putting easy/normal/ hard / extreme create a slider .the slider can have fixed points for the ussual easy/normal/ hard but u can also drag the slidder to place it between normal and hard (imagine the volume slider on windows .at 0 is easy 33-normal 66-hard 100 extreme but i can also place it at 80 or something )

i dont know if my descriptions are enough to understand the concepts i suggested and i dont know if the ideas are even easy to code but i thought ishould post them anyway .i appreciate that the game wants to offer the hardcore element and thats why i think it should not give the easy option in the front page for easy access


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