Since we did get the twitch wave a couple weeks ago I thought I would post this for people that end up getting that Quest. Was the first time I got far enough in to try it myself and looked up a guide beforehand on doing it. What the tarkov wiki doesn't tell you about this Quest is that you will not get this Quest back if you shoot any scav. Sure skier asked you not to do it in the quest but it doesn't explicitly say that you will permanently fail this Mission if you do.
With that said this means that it is almost required for you to go in with another person. The odds of you running into at least one scav during the raid is very high and if they're in the dorms when you try and plant the items then you are SOL. It's recommended to bring saria's for when you need to move from area to area but you need your friend to cover you and kill any players or stats that show up while you are planting for about 3 minutes. This doesn't lock you out of any permanent unlocks with that said this means the it is almost required for you to go in with another person. The odds of you running into at least once calves during the raid is very high and if they're in the dorms when you try and plant the items then you are Sol. It's recommended to bring zaryas for when you need to move from area to area but you need your friend to cover you and kill any players or stats the show up while you were planting for about 3 minutes. This doesn't lock you out of any permanent unlocks but it is frustrating to fail the mission just because you stumbled into a scav on accident in the middle of the night with less than 10 minutes left much like I did.
Edit: I was informed below that you can pick the mission back up from Skier after failing.
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