I’m new myself but here are 2 small tips for new players that already caused me to die and were not mentioned in the guides I’ve seen.

[1] When an extract shows ????:????, you might be unable to extract from that extract.
Certain extracts have conditions to extract such as a ruble fee. If the extract is open, I believe there is an indicator outside the extract such as a green flare outside Old Gas Station or the campfire near Smugglers Boat (Don't go prone on the campfire, you may die from the fire).
The extracts with no ????:???? are always open.

[2] Always check the firing mode of your gun at the start of a raid(And of guns you pick up mid-raid). It is not fun to shoot one shot at an unsuspecting enemy and then let them take advantage since you expected to be able to hold down the trigger.

The following things are just things I personally benefitted from. While these things did not result in a death, they were useful nonetheless:

  • I set Lean Right and Lean Left to press. They default to continuous, but it is hard to move(WASD) while pressing down Q or E
  • I believe Check Ammo defaults to ALT+T. This is kind of frustrating because if you are moving forward(W) and check mag you trigger Overhead blind fire (W+ALT). I set Check Ammo to just be T and Check Chamber to CTRL+T. I believe this removes the keybinds for Tactical Device though. You can change the controls however you want, but just know that this can happen.
  • You can still move for a short while after you start opening a container. Use this time to get to a safer spot and crouch/prone.
  • Sometimes after opening your inventory or looting while prone you can't get up from prone. Just open/close your inventory again and you should be able to.
  • I set Check Time and Exists to a single press of 'O'(Default is double press) and simply removed the keybind for just Check Time. Sometimes I ended up not pressing it twice fast enough and sometimes I just thought I didn't press it fast enough since the extracts have a delay before popping up and pressing twice again resets that delay.


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