The beginning with the biome is great. Everything is coated in thick mist and danger can jump on you any second. So exciting! But the novelty wears off over time and mechanic becomes tiring. Anyway there are some things i would like tweaked/added for the future:
- trading with Dvergs. The gizmo they produce is something i want but want not use violence to get.
- soft tissue issue. I like the idea of looking for resource in order to make new stuff. I hate however looking for it in mist.
- exp gain on new weapons. Leveling mace or sword is fast due to fast attack rate on one handed versions. Leveling arbalest is absolute cancer because not only it is slow but also weapon itself has laughtable durability and shit on the top of cake made of mud is fact that ALL types of amunition require feathers making u waste time on acquiring stacks upon stacks to simply level up skill. I would love exp gain increase on slower tools of war and some shitty bolts that don't use feathers.
- the last whine is about MIST. It's great i loved it in the beginning. Now i want to get rid of it. We already have two tools for it even. Accessory that clears it around you is nice but it doesn't help find points of interests. And pernament torches get owned by mobs and provide too small visibility anyway. My proposition: wisp bombs. U throw it and it clears a lot of mist. 5ever and it has not any shitty light animation or other effects that would make potential future base look bad.