Categories: Among UsGuides

My Unofficial Among Us Guide

If you want to learn the basics of the game and play it better next time, read on from here:


Among Us is a popular game where you can win whilst being a crewmate or the impostor.


Crewmates have to stay alive and suspect one of the players being the impostor through voting. Crewmates also do tasks to fill up the task bar if they don't call out the impostor.


An impostor can kill crewmates and hide under vents and come through a different vent to stay away from the crewmate's body. The body will stay there until somebody reports it. When crewmates die, they become ghosts. Impostors are also able to sabotage which makes it harder for crewmates to do their tasks.


When someone calls an emergency meeting or discovers a dead body, everyone then may talk via chat to explain their point of view. Then everyone is allowed to vote 1 person off or skip if they can't figure it out. Whoever, has the most votes will die and get ejected but still play as a ghost for the rest of the game. If the real impostor is voted out, the game ends and all the crewmates win. However, if there is a tie or the most votes were skipped, no one is ejected and the game goes on for longer.

Special Roles:

You might get an additional role if you're either a crewmate or an impostor. Here are the roles:

.Shapeshifter (Impostor) – Shapeshift to look like a different player to trick people into thinking that he/she is the impostor when it isn't true. You can unshift at any time.

.Engineer (Crewmate) – You can use vents.

.Scientist (Crewmate) – Special access to vitals which has a display and shows who's alive.

.Guardian Angel (Crewmate) – Only works if they are dead. This is a ghost who saves other players in order for them to be immune to an impostor's kill. Only the first crewmate to die will become one unless the host sets the number to be higher than 1.


There are 4 maps: The Skeld, Mira HQ, Polus & Airship.

This was the classic mode. I'll be writing a guide about Hide 'n' Seek another time.


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