The numbers Mason, they’re bullshit.

It's frequently discussed that the vertical and horizonal recoil stats are completely arbitrary, two weapons with identical fire rate, caliber, and recoil stats can handle completely differently. If that's the case, what exactly DOES determine the recoil pattern of weapons?

6 Stats:

-Recoil force up – Vertical Recoil stat in game. Changes the Amount of muzzle rise after every shot.

-Recoil force back – Horizonal recoil stat in game, changes the amount the firearm moves rearward. This is a visual effect, it does not effect bullet trajectory whatsoever. Higher numbers increase the "kick" of the weapon

-Recoil dispersion – The amount of random horizontal variation after every shot. higher numbers cause the weapon to jump more sharply horizontally.

-Recoil angle – Determines a net movement to the left or right, causes the muzzle to drift left or right under sustained fire. 90 is straight up, higher numbers move the muzzle left, lower numbers push the muzzle right.

-Convergence – This determines how quickly the muzzle returns to the original point of aim after being fired. It is also the delay before the auto recoil compensations system kicks in. Higher numbers cause weapons to return to the original point of aim quicker.

-Camera recoil – Meant to replicate the visual distortion a shooter has when firing a weapon. Contrary to popular belief, correctly tuned camera recoil actually makes it easier to control higher recoil weapons. Higher numbers increase the camera recoil.

Of the 2/6 that are viewable in game, only one actually does what it says it does, and that's vertical recoil. HOWEVER, vertical recoil ONLY controls the amount of muzzle rise per shot, it has little effect on the initial "jump' of weapons on the first few shots.

12.12's recoil changes included 3 tweaks to these values:
-ALL weapons received an increase of 20.6 points to the base vertical recoil stat. not 20.6 percent, 20.6 points. A 40 recoil M4 in 12.12 now has the equivalent vertical recoil to a 60.6 vertical recoil M4 in 12.11.
-The convergence stat was lowered on the majority of weapons, making them slower to return to the original point of aim, and making them jump more on the initial first few shots.
-Recoil dispersion was increased on the majority of weapons, to give weapons a random horizontal recoil pattern that is very hard to control.

This is chart that lists all of these values for every single gun in the game.


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