To the people with a %25 survival rate.

If you keep playing, it will get better. I promise. This is my third wipe playing Tarkov and it's by far the most fun I've had out of all the wipes.
First wipe %25
Second: %36
Third: %56
Obviously map knowledge helps tremendously, but I've come to the conclusion you don't have to be good at FPS games to be good at this game. (No particular order)
The best advice I can give to someone struggling,
1. Take your time. Don't Sprint unless you have to.
2. Trigger control, don't just shoot at the person the second you see them. Wait for your shot if they're not looking in your direction. You don't even have to shoot them if you don't have to, you can let them pass. (Don't engage a 5 man while running solo)
3. Use the good gear that you get. Gear fear will be your worst enemy. Armor and a headset is a must have.(tier 4+ preferably)
4. Flashlights help. If you plan on going indoors, you should have a flashlight. Tarkov indoors is dark, flashlights fix that.
5. Good ammo is more important than a good gun.
6. Use VOIP. This community isn't nearly as toxic as Reddit makes it out to be. (Children are the exception. If you hear a high pitched voice, it is acceptable to shoot on sight.)
7. Upgrade your hideout ASAP. The hideout is a great way to make passive income. More $ = better gear.
8. Find a gun that works for you. Just because there's a "meta" doesn't mean it will work for you.
9. Get your traders leveled up. Level 4 traders sell some of the best stuff for the cheapest price.
10. Have fun. Hands down the most important part. If you're not having fun, you're doing something wrong.

If anyone has any other tips. Please share.


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