What helps me to get better in Tarkov.

I survived much more raids, when i startet to slow down. I mostly walk, barly run and listen to my surroundings. I don't avoid critical zones but i approach slow and with a plan b for a quik leave from that area. The loadout i wear has a big impact of how i move. The better it is the more mistakes will be forgiven – theroetically. Of course a Head/Eye can cancel all your plans no matter which loadout.

I move completley different if i carry a mosin or a smg. For e.g. i just don't go with a mosin in dorms and i don't go to woods with a smg. Of course there are exceptions but i think you get my point.

My fighting movement is also depending of which weapon i carry. Singleshot and slow weapons leeds me in to bigger flanking ways. Fast guns with lower recoil gives me the confidence to make shorter ways and more peaks but never the same angle 😉

And simpel but effectiv: You don't have to fight every PMC you see and of course you can leave a fighting situations.

Just a few little thoughts from me. I know it sounds obvious but if i could read something like this in my earlier tarkov days it would had helped me more in understanding how to approach the game better.

Have fun and i wish you all a raid full of valuable loot.


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