56TP (Poland, Tier-8, HT, premium)
Average damage: 390 dmg
Average armor penetration: 221 (mm)
Rate of fire of the gun: 4.32 (rds/min)
Reloading time: 13.9 (sec)
Turret traverse speed: 33.38 (deg/s)
Vertical aiming angles: -9/20 (deg)
Aiming time: 1.82 (sec)
Accuracy at 100 m: 0.33
Average damage per minute: 1,683 dmg
Strength: 1,450 HP
Track repair time: 12,03 (sec)
Engine power: 1,000 (h.p.)
Specific power: 17.86 (h.p./t)
Max. speed/reverse: 40/14 (km/h)
Chassis turning speed: 39.63 (deg/s)
View range: 380 (m)
Personal opinion: New heavium with leopard gun? Interesting. Your DPM is abysmall though, must gotta land those shots.
Via thearmoredpatrol
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