Categories: Elite: DangerousNews

(AX Planet Port battles) DONT GO TOO FAR but at the same time DONT GO TOO CLOSE.

Yesterdays attempt was just all day fighting thargoids trying to get that white bar in the top right to get full in hopes to "win". (Planetary port AX battles)

It took H O U R S to get around 80% completed. but chasing down an interceptor I got too far from the port. Bam. Progress deleted. Have to start all from the beginning. Gave up, went to bed.
Woke up today, retried.

Things were going well for about 10 minutes in, I got EMP'd. Spiralled down and crashed into a building. I survived but had to repair. Requested dock annnnd cant repair. Because I have a 200 credit fine. Cant pay the fine. So travelled all the way out to an IF and nup. Cant pay fine.
Googled it and found out about the stupidest game mechanic I've ever heard. The notorious mechanic.

I apparently now have to wait 2 hours before I can pay this fine.

I've sent a ticket already about this because I don't understand how its possible to get a fine for something that you cant control and no way of paying it off without having to go AFK for 2 hours.

Fight too close? Punished. Fight too far? Punished.



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