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100% undeniable proof that forced 50% winrate is real

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero Warriors Ice

Hear me out.

I am 3000 MMR for the last 5 years. Sometimes I get to 3200 and I think I can be a pro player, but then I lose 10 games in a row because of idiot teammates.

It's impossible to climb. Valve has a special team that only work on fixing matches and I have found a way to prove this.

My grandmother is 83 years old. She is not in the best shape. When she was 13, she fell from the roof when she was playing with the kids from the ghetto. She hit her head pretty badly and her motoric abilities got messed up pretty bad. When she was 58, a bus she was on collided with a train. It was a huge accident, it was all over the news. She was in a coma for 2 months. After she woke up, she was tripping that she was a Russian spy living in Germany during WW2 era. I almost got arrested because of she was drawing Nazi symbols everywhere. Completely nuts as you can imagine.

Well, guess what.

I sat her in front of my PC, started Dota, clicked Find Match > Accept > selected her Crystal Maiden, and there she was, playing her first Dota game. My half disabled grandomther lost her first Dota game because bad teammates. I told her that she shouldnt worry. She only lost because of bad team, not because she is a mentally ill 83 old woman. Her APM was 0,3. She clicked the mouse every 3 minutes because she fell asslep and almost fell of the chair.

Out of 20 games, she won 10 and lost 10.

There story doesn't end here.

Grandma was really tired after playing a shitload of Dota. She was very tired because of bad teammates. She went to sleep. I was very hungry, so I opened the fridge. IT WAS FREAKING LGD.AME INSIDE.

What the actual fuck. He mumbled something in Chinese. I couldn't understand jack shit. He said something "boost, boost boost"

He rushed to my PC sat down, changed settings to his own and started playing. I was thinking to myself, no way Ame can break the 50% forced winrate curse. I mean he almost went undefeated in the Major groupstages, but who cares.

Professional Archon players are a lot more dangerous than playing vs Team Spirit.

And I was right.

Ame had the same winrate as me, Ame had the same winrate as my mentally ill grandmother.

The following day PSG.LGD.Ame won 2-0 vs RNG with a great comeback.


It doesn't matter if you are a real 3k player, if you are a 83 year old mentally ill grandmother or PSG.LGD.Ame.

Your winrate will always stay the same if you play in 3000 MMR bracket.


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