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A few observations on playing through Ventures on a new low PL account

So being the masochist that I am, I decided to create a new Fortnite account last week and start grinding through the game again.

I did the first few Stonewood SSDs and then decided to grind Ventures.

Considering that I had few heroes and terrible trap schematics, it was nevertheless not that hard. I basically just used a very substandard TEDDY loadout until I found Xenon and Vacuum bows and then played as Farrah (whom I unlocked through the questline rather quickly). And then I used BASE Kyle a bit in some 108/124/130 missions.

A few things I noticed:

I have seen people over the past year say it is a bug that progressing through Ventures unlocks certain things that normally only SSDs unlocks (e.g. crafting stuff at higher tiers, the amount of wood/brick/metal you can hold, etc).

That is definitely 100% not a bug. It is intended and while I understand why some people may not like it, it is definitely needed IMO.

There are a couple things that were not unlocked by progressing through Ventures. One was slots in your Survivor squads. This makes sense because Survivor Squads have no bearing in Ventures so there is no need in having them unlocked.

Another thing was the perk recombobulator. The fact that this was not unlocked by Ventures only made it more difficult as I was stuck with the crappy trap schematics I had in the main game (despite the fact I had gained lots of perkups and about 10,000 reperk from Venture reward levels and mission rewards that I could have used).

Another thing not unlocked by Ventures was pickaxe damage. This is done by those Upgrade points you unlock as you increase your Commander Level. And while I was very quickly increasing my Commander Level by all the XP I was getting doing higher and higher PL Venture missions, it was not quick enough. I noticed it would take me so many swings just to pickaxe away something that would normally take 2-3 swings in the main game.

Another thing I noticed is that my low “building and upgrade” speed would completely screw things up for the whole team in high PL missions. Since most of the people I was playing with were high PL in the main game, they had unlocked max building and upgrade speeds. However I was nowhere near that and so whenever I would build or upgrade something it would take soooo fuckin’ long (like really absurdly long). And that usually seemed to permanently screw up that structure so that even if a teammate did the next upgrade on it, it would still take absurdly long. Definitely a bug that needs to be looked at.

On the positive side, Ventures rewards are soooo good for a new player.


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