Going inside an abandoned russian military bunker that holds tanks and silos of munition, you find 2 lootable items, some crackers and 3 pistol bullets. Unlocking a door to an abandoned armory in a military training building gets you access to a foregrip attachment for a rifle and (if you're lucky) a sniper scope worth 10 roubles more than the foregrip attachment.
Look, I'm not saying you have to find the holy grail everytime you walk in a room, but there should be at least some reasonable loot in these highly contested areas. When I am getting shot at while I walk into a massive warehouse the size of a small shopping mall, something in me expects to find more than a 7×1 storage space barrel for a random rifle weighing 8kg worth 700 roubles that I can't even fit in my backpack. And yes, I was the first one there. Feels like I'm living out the real life version of "the platform", all the loot I come across is equivalent to the scraps of a fat dude with a backpack the size of a parking garage. What do you think?
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/yxzhh5/a_general_loot_buff_is_needed/