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Abilities that deserve some love. Epic please update your game!

Now that epic messed up seismic smash compeletly, they should fix and rework all abilities again. There have been numerous amount of bugs on most abilities that haven't been fixed for years.

Ability builds have been forgotten compeletly and almost never used today. The moment they added the plasmatic discharger nobody cared about builds anymore. Why use a minigun build to kill the smashers and miniboss when you can literally use archeolo jess and one shot them with the plasmatic discharger. Why use a teddy or shocktower build to take care of the basic husks when you have xenonbow that clears everything in 2 shots.

I miss when people used to get creative and think hard about builds to beat missions but now adays you can just use the most broken weapons to get by.

Abilities are so weak and buggy right now they are not even worth using.

Seismic smash had no cooldown and used no energy which made it very overpowered. This made a lot of people try new different builds around it like ragnarok or ice queen on lead. On chapter 5 release the bug was fixed but now seismic smash literally does no damage and it makes games hard sometimes. Seismic smash also makes you stuck and not use the ability sometimes.

Shockwave is a pretty good ability with a long cooldown, but it's literally a budget version of seismic smash. It deals physical damage and in a smaller area. It also doesn't activate sometimes, even though you use energy and it goes on cooldown.

Crescent kick has the same problem. You use it and it does nothing, cooldown and energy refunded though. This ability is underrated but also one of the worst ones, because the range is so short and small. I would buff the damage and range of this because it's literally useless in higher zones, you can't even kill basic husks unless you make a build for crescent kick.

Throwing stars are one of my favorite abilities but they sadly are underperforming and buggy. Sometimes enemies don't take damage from it. The shurikens can also headshot which is nice for extra damage but the hitbox is either very hard to hit or buggy right now. I would rework this ability by removing the aoe effect, increasing the number of shurikens and damage to make it a deadly ability against higher health targets like husky husks and mist monsters.

Epic, please fix the main bugs in save the world first before adding new stuff. The game has hundreds of different weapons and heroes that are way harder to change, but less abilities and objectives that deserve quality of life changes.


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