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Adding more extracts with more variability

I guess most of us can agree that exit campers can be a massive pain in the ass. Even if they can be countered, the odds are stacked against anyone trying to exit (especially with the current overload system) and getting killed by them is extremely frustrating and it just doesn't sit right to lose all of the gear and loot one has fought for to some guy hiding in a corner. One of the easiest solutions would obviously be more extracts so here are some of my suggestions for a variety of extract types to keep things interesting and make the additional extracts more challenging than just going to a designated spot on the map. Feel free to add your own thoughts and suggestions:

-Armored train extract or similar ones in the future could add the option of getting access to any loot that is inside the train at the time of extract. Once extracted, the players left in the train can basically transfer any of the items that were in the train at the time. First come first serve would apply. This would make the train a high risk, high reward extract and make it viable, even when other safer extracts exist.

-Extracts requiring kills: this was a suggestion I saw in the sub a while ago. There could be extracts that require one to bring one or more dogtags/scav knives as evidence for kills. Obviously they would have to be found during the raid. While we are on the topic of scav knives: Scav knives/melee weapons of bosses and raiders could have the same data engraved on them as dogtags,

-Quest extracts: Some extracts could require one to complete a simple quest on the map (i.e. loot item X, interact with something on the map, etc.) These extracts could offer some reward in addition and one could tie failure to a drop in trader repuation (if one made it an extract that has to be chosen before entering the raid)

-Extraction into the next map: An extract that doesn't let you go to your stash but rather puts you straight onto the next map. One could add a mini stash for the transition between maps where one can drop of their best loot for collection later or maybe even gather gear for the next map that one deposited early into said stash.


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