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After nearly 3000 hours, I’ve regained ‘gear fear’.

Really, for all the wrong reasons at this stage.

Between how absolutely terrible desync has gotten and the admittedly terrible situation that cheaters have started to become, it feels as if bringing in 'good gear' pretty much just leads to bad karma.

Normally I don't have that big of an issue encountering cheaters, since I play on east coast servers are mid-day hours, but this wipe has just been…yeesh. I've never witnessed blatant cheats in other wipes nearly as much as this wipe. I can count like…maybe 3 times in the past years I've run into just full on obvious cheaters, but this wipe alone has had me run into literally over 10 in just the single month or so that we've had this wipe for. To be honest, I don't even care much about cheating, it's really just the desync and sound that's really been bothering me.

Don't even get me started on the audio. I'm not sure how, but the audio has just gotten worse somehow. It feels like I have to wear GSH's or M3's just to actually hear what the hell is happening…as long as it's not above or below me, cause I won't hear anything in those spots. Dorms is just…a mess.

I dunno. I've kinda fallen back into using basic shotties with cheap armor cause I honestly can't reliably trust raids anymore. Anyone else been feeling this way as of late?

Edit: I should probably clarify, I don't really care if I die or if I actually lose gear. That's why I put ' ' around gear fear. The more honest statement would be: "I don't see a point in bringing good gear when it will ultimately feel unrewarding to use due to a variety of factors completely and entirely outside of my own control." I mean, I can kill a altyn slick chad with a AP-20 double barrel so…no real point in being the altyn slick chad. I lose less, gain more. shrugshrug


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