All I want is co-op raiding with progression.

With script kiddies ruining entire raids, the audio ruining PVP, the crack-high scavs ruining my day, all I yearn for is playing alone or with friends, where enemy PMCs spawn as bots and try to do their own thing.

I know it will not be the same experience, but the idea that playing online with other people is better, rings true only in isolation.

The current state of the game is that every fight that ends under 5 seconds rouses suspicion, every raid on Interchange and Shoreline feels like a coin-toss, every raid in which I queue with more casual friends becomes a chore.

I got a taste of it recently when a friend picked up EoD and we queued factory with 0 anxiety and 0 goals other than to have fun, and I hadn't done that since I first picked up the game, the existence of Tarkov related communities that shall not be named serves as proof that the online experience of Tarkov has become too toxic and tedious to bare.

Just let me play this game in co-op and you will never hear me complain about script kiddes, tedium of quests, or for that matter (for a little while) about the audio.


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