Alright, I see all the fuss about the new armor changes. I like it, IF they make some ammo to armor related changes.
Firstly, lower blunt damage, substantially.
Then a pen change/ armor damage change. Max pen 60. I could get technical, but there's no need, anything over 60, remove, entirely. Especially considering RNG has a major role in acquiring some of these ammos. Anything under 30 pen shouldn't do any damage to lvl 4,5 and 6. Anything above 31, should do 50% OF it's CURRENT armor damage to the lvl 4s 5s and 6s.
If an ammo wins the RNG and Pens an armor, should do substantially less than if it stops and doesn't pen, as it currently is, but with that aforementioned 50% reduction.
As for the armor plates, I foresee being able to fully repair an armor by buying new plates for respective parts of the armour. But will we be able to buy different lvl plates and put them in different plate carriers? What about different material? A Chinese knock off already does this.. Tarkov could implement it in a more realistic and real-life inspired way..
I don't want to ramble too much so further discussion below!
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