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An excuse to gush about STW

I've been meaning to say this for a while, but, I love save the world. I love the characters, I love listening to the story, I find playing it more fun than BR right now. The heroes are so fun to play with, the guns are so cool. There's obviously a good amount of issues (Playing pubs in a nightmare, if I can even get into a game. The lag doesn't make it any better) but I can look past those.

I finally started to play the game more recently cause I wanted to get the final doom slayer style in the BP, then I had a lot of fun doing it.

I even decided to just, do all the storm shields i had to do in plankerton (up to 6) and even did the first one in Canny Valley. It's cool you can get quite a bit ahead like that.

Ray is my favorite character, I'm so glad I bought the STW quest pack for her, and the other bots, still annoyed that Pop will probably never get a hero cause they changed how they work before he released.

It's so fun, always will be.

I did the blockbuster questline and loved the story.

Minus Frostnite, the second I got the music pack I stopped playing it, I did not like frostnite.


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