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An Ode to Tarkov, and Goals!

Hey guys! This post is meant to open a discussion for everyone to share the goals they accomplished this wipe, big or small! For me personally, i had the most successful wipe ever. After playing 2 previous wipes and never getting passed level 30. This wipe, i told myself i would unlock max traders and get 500 PMC kills. Well, i exceeded my expectations and just reached 1000 PMC kills at level 59!
I know most people won’t care about this, but that’s fine! I just wanted to share for a couple reasons. All my buddies who played this wipe quit before level 45ish. Once that happened i had a hard time playing, but something happened at a certain point after level 42 that changed everything. I had the absolute most fun i’ve ever had leveling from 42-59 thus far. Being solo suddenly forced me to do EVERYTHING myself, and finally learn how to actually fight. I never ever thought i would be able to become decent and get a lot of kills, let alone get within reach of Kappa, but the goals i set throughout this wipe helped me so much! I decided to full send it on so many quests that i was always scared to pursue, and started using my best gear, and actually paying attention to my deaths and learning to understand why i was losing winnable fights. This journey was so satisfying, and i watched myself truly transform as a player, and experience the game to it’s full potential. No more perpetual rat play! I run every map, try to do every weird/hard quest, push fights, play ratty, go in under geared, go in super over-geared, everything! It’s truly been a blast. I think i’m about done with this wipe, i’m pretty much going to sign on to do easy dailies and weeklies so i can get Kappa just for the personal achievement. Also… it’s time to stop putting off Elden Ring!
(Small disclaimer for anyone who thinks you can’t make progress if you have limited time to play- i am a full time university student in my final semester, i work 4 nights a week, and i spend almost every night hanging out with my girlfriend. I play for a few hours each day in between all this and easily reached this level! You can do it if you learn to apply your in-game time correctly!!)
Anyways, if anyone is still reading this, feel free to tell me about any goals you have/had this wipe, and whether you achieved them and how you feel about it! Doesn’t matter how small the goal or achievement was, i want to hear it! This community has been so helpful and diverse, i’ve met some great people and i want to give kudos to you on your achievements. Just because you aren’t a big streamer doesn’t mean you can’t get some recognition. Feel free to ask any random questions too if you are a newish player!
Happy raiding!


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