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Analysis of BSG new addition of the SR-2MP


So it looks like the SR-2MP is being added, lets do a breakdown and comparison (see below)

Weapon: SR-2MP

Calibre: 9×21 (same ammo as SR1M)

Muzzle V: 430 m/s

ROF: 950 (same as the MP7)

Capacity: 30rnds

Best ammo: BT GZ, 63dmg, 39pen, 40% ricochet chance, -4 recoil

attachment issues: Possible to be supressed, Grip is proprietary

today we will compare its predicted performance to the MP7 based on similar class of weapon and equal ROF

Weapon: MP7

Calibre: 4.6×30

Muzzle V: 680 m/s

ROF: 950

capacity: 40rnds

Best Ammo: AP SX, 35dmg, 53pen, 60% ricochet chance, +10 recoil

supressed: Possible

attachment issues: Possible to be supressed, Grip is proprietary (unless mp7a2)

From the statistics we have got it seems likely to predict the SR-2MP will be similar in recoil to the MP7A1 perhaps with a little less bouncing around. However, it will likely lend itself to be a MID-wipe weapon due to its high damage and high pen balance leading it to reliably Tupac targets with ease.

We can notice he SR-2MP's grip is proprietary so will it will likely not outclass the MP7A2 and will sit in-between these two gun(MP7A1 AND MP7A2) balance wise whilst being absolute shite at range due to a significantly lower muzzle velocity.

I predict the weapon to be quite balanced. However, with this type of ammo being scarce(Prapor LL4) it will likely be again quite god damn useless as people will get way better weapons by the time it's usable in the wipe (It's first usable ammo is worse than 9×19 PST GZH so that says enough really.) It seems like just another weapon to flood in for fun that doesn't fit well into the flow of wipe at all.

Discuss in the comments how you think it will fit in or how they will attempt to make it fit in.


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