The first day of the Hallowen event i didn't know how it was really working because BSG hadn't posted any explanation on eft news, twitter, or youtube… So i needed to watch streans or yt videos to figure it out. Even when i figured it out there was a a raids when i have heard someone in bushes and i started spraying. It happened ti be Zrychy. I didn't wanted to kill him i nany raid but i started the ritual anyway.
The biggest PROBLEM for me personaly is that you cannot quest peacfully for ur benefit because of some event going on. If i was managing this event developnent few months back i would put it as an option to play those type of raids.
What do you think, did this event prevent you from progressing in the game or what?
P.S. Yesterday i somehow managed ti kill Shturman for Jaegers quest xD so im kinda counter-argumenting my self but what ever… 😂