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Auberon King is too weak, I have to be wrong so change my mind.

geralt tsirilla gwent the witcher card game gwen

I'm a noob, let me start by saying that. This card is almost always included in devotion WH. Because of something along the lines of there being no better options or me missing something ?

12P: Auberon King: So what does that very expensive card do, it puts points on the table.

If you are unlucky, 10 points (very long round and engine, 12 points very optimistically).

If you are lucky, 12 points.

So, wow. That card absolutely sucks if not played on last round.

If you play it on last round, you will squeeze in some more points, +1 for both situations, and every wild hunt unit (if auberon is alive). I can very rarely get a 16 point advantage from that card, but that's very rare. This is the single most inconsistent and wasteful card I have ever seen. A 10-16 point card for 12P, if everything goes as planned.

Why is Auberon so bad compared to other 12Ps ? I feel like an absolute monkey after my opponent plays his very strong +10P cards, and I put this little thing on the table, usually followed by a laughing emote from the opponent.

Can someone explain to me how that is fair ?

Edit: I changed Auberon into Yghern in my WH mammuna deck. That was a pretty good decision. Auberon is a brick to draw in round 1 and 2. And you will be very sorry if you can't line up all; RNG, frost and multiple WH units to play afterwards. Yghern is reliable and 2 provision less which is huge. At least that's what worked for me until rank 11, may change stuff again if i get stuck. I hate RNG and this is the most consistent WH deck i've ever played.

If auberon was always at his third form he'd definitely be better than yghern, i think that would be a decent buff. But 2 more provision cost just to be a little better than a 10P unit is just unacceptable, that's what I've come to understand. So remove that auberon, put in the yghern and enjoy your +2 Provision.

Or if he was 10P, again, I'd use him. But there's no way in the world I'm getting convinced that auberon is a good card in this state. Look at King Radovid at 10P. With uprising and a card synergy this guy puts at least 12 points on to the table, just like Auberon, but Radovid has the potential of putting 20-30 points if lucky, not just 16, and thats for 10Provision, also no evolving no bricking, can use on any round.

Such a shame because i think he has the best art in the game on level 3 and "Bring me fisstech, then leave me be". Oh my god so good.


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