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Backyard Brawlerz Update!

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero Warriors Ice

alright, so first things first we are still looking for people with experience in game design. We're pretty new to the concept of how to balance a MOBA-type game and need someone who has the experience, so come on and join our discord through disboard.

the changes – we've made to the original concept of an Adventure Time BP remake, mainly that we're separating ourselves from the name, but working to see what core mechanics we want to keep.

– the progress – we already have concept art for about 15 or so Brawlers and are still coming up with ideas for kits and new Brawlers. We also have a fair bit of code for movement, some minion mechanics, and multiplayer-networking.

– new members – throwing out a quick explanation of the current concept of the game: there is this group of kids that think of these characters (some we want to have is an all-out cowboy, a dude named dude, maybe jack the canine, etc). This leaves us all sorts of possibilities for future characters and gives a lot of freedom to the design team. The map would be set in a backyard, with the bases being box forts or something like that (basically we would want to stick to things that kids would do).

here's the disboard link again for those who may have missed it.

– TL;DR – asking for game designers with experience, preferably with MOBA's, we've made a solid amount of progress both in art and code, and we're still looking to grow in members. Happy Brawling!


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