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Banned from Fortnite official discord

I remember in June-July I joined this discord server looking for friends and my first warn was by Kevin bot for "Giveaways" that were forbidden. The only thing I done, I sent a code from batman Fortnite comic on the general chat so anyone could get it fast.
I never posted a giveaway like or asking something in exchange or promote myself. But well the warn was done.
My second warn was about "Offtopic" I sent a cute small kitty swimming in milk with the song I'm kitty kitty kitty, and the cat looked close to meowscles in-game. I found it even toxic to be warned by something like this. I got that video from a Fortnite community Twitter but well I couldn't do anything.
Then my third warn happened because i shared a video being LGTB in party royale.
I was using a male skin and I was flirting male skins, on the video people danced and accepted me that way so I said something like: That's the gayest thing I have ever done in-game" but friendly, I hopefully waited someone could dm me to be friends or something but gawd later Kevin bot warned me for "hate-speech" and getting banned. It was ridiculous, I was like what's wrong with this community I don't get it. I seriously freaked out
I have gay friends and I told them about that and they said that's not hate-speech at all, but that was frustrating. I sent a ban appeal from a Google docs they have but they never checked it. And now after almost a year I'm still banned from.
I swear that server was quite toxic and strict.
I don't know, it feels kinda youre not free, you don't feel confident about what to say because you could be warned by anything. And at the third warn you get banned.
Can someone relate, that was my unlucky experience or have anyone else got through this also?
Also. I'm not a toxic guy at all. I'm 25 so I'm aware from what respect is into a community.


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