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Battleaxe needs a bit of a touch up

Walheim - five bosses

I think that Battleaxes should have some small changes, as it feels a bit clunky and unintuitive to use.

Knockback. The slow start up for the axe is understandable as a slow weapon, but the knockback combined with the stamina consumption means that I usually miss the 2nd hit after the 1st due to knocking an enemy back, losing both health and stamina in the process.

Secondary attack. The secondary attack is actually really useful in certain situations where I wanna push an enemy back away as kind of a Support method for my teammates. But in a combat sense it either uses too much stamina to do a combo (secondary attack + 1, 2, 3) or the knockback from the secondary attack pushes them out of the range for the 1, 2, 3 combo.

Now my experience and opinions may be wrong in a sense as all of it has come from using it in the plains where the Fulings are a bit more prone to knock back (i think) but yeah.


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