Behaviour Score: Difference between players of 10k BS vs 9.2k BS is that 9.2k actually cares about MMR

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero phantom lancer

… Which is where you want to be.
Blind positivism doesn't have single case where it is useful for the consumer (for the corporation & Valve: dumb/ psychopatic people may have profitable wallets)

Yet, at lower rating at some point and increasingly so: the more people who no longer 'play dota for the game' you'll find, but people who 'play dota to vent'

CMV: provide one reasonable argument: So long as there is strict collective punishment/ reward for wins and losses – there's no benefit of not shaming and flaming underperformers and unwanted behaviours (provided you don't do it too much/ drop too much in BS).

(Having 10k BS also means you're more likely to get dropped off at 'handicap class' as they lack their last player to start their game: AKA. when matchmaking is weirdly fast (the game you should dodge))

unrelated: if someone is dodging at connecting, you should also dodge/ pause queuing, since someone is likely to be an underperformer.

Stay sane exiles.


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