Buff the Xeno Scanner

The Xeno Scanner is effectively useless due to its incredibly short scan range. While its potential in advanced AX combat is minimal, as Gauss Cannons are hitscan weapons and do not require sub-targeting hearts, it could be an excellent tool for novice AX pilots. With the recent Thargoid invasion, many CMDRs have joined the AX war effort. These CMDRs typically lack access to Guardian weaponry and opt to buy human-based AX weapons rather than grinding at a Guardian surface site.

Human AX weapons have proven effective against Thargoid scouts, but are often rendered ineffective against Thargoid Interceptors since the hearts are not sub-targetable. The slow projectile speed of AX multi cannons and AX missiles makes it extremely difficult to do the necessary DPS to the Thargoid Interceptor hearts. The Xeno Scanner allows hearts to be sub-targeted, but it is nearly impossible to complete a scan. While I believe that all CMDRs should get Guardian technology at some point, it is still important that human AX weapons become somewhat more effective. This would invite more CMDRs to the fight by making AX combat a little more noob friendly and further the war effort, something the recent CGs have tried to do with the enhanced multi cannons. Human AX weapons may also be the only method to fight in Malestrom systems.

The Guardian Plasma Charger is also rendered mostly ineffective against Thargoid Interceptors due to its slow projectile speed. Even Salvation modded chargers have difficulty damaging hearts. This makes many ship builds unusable and nullifies a whole branch of guardian weapons.

The Xeno scanner must have some sort of range extension. This could be through a CG, similar to the enhanced multi cannons, or an engineer modification. This has been the general sentiment for years and with the invasion, it only makes sense that the Xeno Scanner gets an upgrade.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/zp3baf/buff_the_xeno_scanner/

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