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Buffing *White Frost* ?

geralt tsirilla gwent the witcher card game gwen

I just lost a game against Clog as WH where I bled out enemy's wincon (Kolgrim+Letho+SW) on R2. We both have 3 cards on R3. He had no leader I had all leader charges. I played 1 gold, only gold he had was defender. But hey NG gets to have stuff like blightmaker + mage for 11 pointslam + thinning so. He won the game.

I just thought opponent missplaying so hard and me still losing so hard is ridicilious. And there are many people here who say "WH is very playable" (they played 2 games).

Never saw it discussed on other WH buff/rework posts before: I think row control is overrated and White Frost leader needs another buff. I'm not really sure what though. Maybe deal 2 damage to the enemy targeted by leader. So only adding total of +4 damage and some much needed control choice (leader+bruiser for 4p removal, only if other row is already frosted). Extra charges wouldn't really help i guess.

The passive that got added to it is basically useless as it only makes WH cards play for normal values (WF passive doesn't buff WH units, it only makes them only playable with WF leader), they should've just added +1 power to all WH units instead of this passive. Or buff all WH units by 1 and then add the passive, which would make the passive actually good and WF would be a decent leader probably.

Right now what WF has is just the placebo passive and row control with total of 8 (EIGHT) damage, over 4 turns, damage that you can't control, just frost. It's just so bad I think on the upcoming big MO changes, if they remember WH exists, they should look into WF too as it is basically the WH leader.

Another unique WH buff request I have is consistency. Yes Naglfar has been talked before, it has to get buffed as literally only WH is using it because they're doomed to using devotion. All other MO decks have royal decree and its not fair. But I want consistency choices other than Naglfar. It's just really hard to draw your cards in WH. If SY gets to have 2 thinning options viable in 1 deck, MO, or spesifically WH should too.


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