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Can someone explain the connection between the revealed cards and the Curse of the Black Sun?

witcher triss merigold gwint

With more than half of the cards revealed, I have this crackpot theory that the expansion was originally supposed to be a standard card drop, but CDPR needed some marketing, so they decided to call it Black Sun to get everyone hyped and then randomly gave every unit Cursed whether it makes sense or not.

I get that we'll get Renfri, but there are so many characters related to the Curse of the Black Sun, to not see any of them thus far is just perplexing – again, feels like this was originally supposed to be a different card drop. Yeah, all of the cards have the Cursed tag, but that doesn't really matter? There are no payoffs for running Cursed cards. Even if the Neutral cards provide some kind of Cursed payoff, you need more than just 1-2 units to make an archetype.

Dunno, feel free to correct me if I'm missing something and this expansion is actually oozing with flavor, but thus far it feels like a bunch of random cards slapped with the Cursed tag so CDPR can market this as a Curse of the Black Sun expansion.


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