Cheaters are rampant

This is my 5th wipe and I've played an unhealthy amount of tarky this wipe. I mostly play 1p shooters I wouldn't say I'm a beast but I'm confidently better than most. I have maxed traders and 30m cash so I'd say I'm doing good and having a decent amount of fun. First off, I'm not the type of player that dies and blames the game for sucking. I'm critical of how I play and usually say something like "sheeeesh. nice shot" or "I shouldn't have peaked that" when I die. But the amount of people who are just too cracked this wipe is overwhelming. Players just seem better than ever. Knowing exactly where I am. Players VOIPing toxic stuff then head tapping me with PS. But the crazy part is… as a seasoned tarky vet I honestly believe 15% of the player base is cheating in some way shape or form. I haven't died too much to aimbotters (besides labs that shit is flooded with aimbotters) but players just seem to be running around like gigachads with no info given knowing exactly where me and my squad are. I know there are so many players that are wallhacking and might not even tell their friends. Kind of a venting post but either the entire community is cracked af or something isn't adding up.

TLDR: A lot of people are cheating. Not necessarily aimbot but I feel a lot of people are walling. FUCK!


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