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Devotion : The New Normal (Part 1)

Ciri Gwent witcher Game card

First of all, I actually want to make this poll and discussion for fun and this is also my wishful thinking (bonus if someone would notice or forward this somehow lol).

With the recent state of GWENT and many neutral cards being strong and flexible (e.g. Renfri, Golden Nekker, Heatwave, Oneiromancy, etc). GWENT left with only small amount of decks with Devotion gameplay available (or maybe it's already small from the start?).

In GWENT library. There are actually 26 cards of 1244 cards excluding Neutral faction with Devotion tag (2,09%). Even some of it are underrated and haven't maximizely utilized (Fergus, Emhyr, Viraxas Prince, etc).

I know that there are already some powerful Devotion decks (and cards), but imagine the variation of Devotion decks could be created if "ALL" the faction cards have additional Devotion tag on it.

1218 cards are a lot and take time, yes… but the journey will be fun!

Eventhough Devotion decks would be rising if this happen… I still think Renfri or other Neutrals cards will still be played. It's all about limiting and balancing the game which are hard :v

So, here is my final question. Do you want too see Devotion become the new normal of GWENT or do you still want to stay present like this?



Quick Example of Devotion Tempering (Fig. 1)

Quick Example of Devotion Mardroeme (Fig. 2)

Quick Example of Devotion Tourney Joust (Fig. 3)

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