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Difficulty curve in this game is an absolute joke

Valheim Guide: How to Acquire Strongest Weapon in the Game

>All bronze armor mostly upgraded to max, 36+ armor
>Roll with all meat so 100+ hp
>Beat Elder (which by the way has way too much goddamn health and melee damage, there is absolutely no reason not to turn that fight into a boring, tedious bow cheese slog)
>Go in search of new biomes
>Come across random meadows village with a couple of Draugr
>Have fat tower shield, plan to soak a hit or two to see what kind of threat these things are
>Break my guard instantly, kill me an instant later
Nice, what a fun and rewarding experience, I'm so glad those enemies showed up in Meadows so I really felt like I deserved to die for running across them.

>Recover my crap and go in a different direction
>Find mountains
>Just reached night and am freezing, set up small camp to skip night
>Wolf runs down sheer cliff face to get to me
>Again stuns in one hit, kills in two
And I've got no interest in worthless redditards creaking "git gud", I've beaten DS deathless and I've found immense joy fighting trolls with dodge + sword tactics.
I know difficulty, and I broken shit when I see it. This is broken.


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