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[Discussion / Bug] [Mission] Please remove Deliver the Bomb from the V-Buck/Ticket Mission Pool

Im definitely not the first, nor the last to complain about the state of Deliver the Bomb (DtB) missions, but I feel like I must input my latest experience.
I loaded into the Power Level 70 Autumn City DtB mission with hopes to claim the vbuck reward. The mission started off fine, but quickly deteriorated. We got the tracks and started pathing from A-to-B, but quickly realized that we couldn't build up a 2×2-tile wide slope. Thats alright though, we tried going further out, and found a 1 tile slope. That slope also couldn't be built on. I was oddly determined to get this to work, so i tried going the other way to see if there was a path available. I came across another 2-tile slope, and oddly enough was only able to build on one tile. I sigh a breath of relief and carry on with the path. At the end, it was stretched out, but it did the job. The game recognized the path (unlike other instances) and we were able to start the objective. Then we waited… and waited… The mission started, but the bomb wasn't moving. There was nothing we could do to get it to move, we tried replacing tracks, we could get husks to attack it since there were none around and the bomb's health bar didnt appear, we were softlocked when we thought the worst was over.
Now I can understand that taking DtB Missions from the Mission pool would be impossible, since there are story quests tied to the mission type, but would it be possible to remove DtB missions from the available list of Vbuck/Ticket missions be more plausible? Perhaps make it to where DtB mission cant have Mini-Bosses, much like Rescue the Survivor or Refuel the Homebass missions?
(P.S. While writing this while playing another mission, my teammates found another 2×2 tile wide slope that couldn't be built on at all)

Red: The Path it took to connect the tracks. Blue: Quicker paths blocked by not being able to build on slopes


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