Find in raid was added few patches ago to counter the increase in RTM and to make the game harder.
Basicly if you find an item during that raid and survive with it or craft it in the hideout you will be able to sell it on the flee.
Find in raid is also needed for quest purpose.
I was wondering if the game wont be better without it, with a few change to keep things like quest the way they are but improve the game on some aspect.
To me everything that other pmc bring in raid should be sellable again on the flee market afterward.
It would also make pvp more profitable.
But, you would say that this will help rtm even more cause they can bring let say doc case or sicc case full of item /money and can drop them to other and those people can sell them to the flee.
Well maybe we can lock this kind of item to poutch only (so they can't be place on rig or backpack).
I would also like to see the poutch lock during the raid : you can use item inside (like painkiller) but you can't take anything out ou put anything in it (rip hatchet runner).
If you wan't that juicy GPU you can sure run for it but you will then need to survive with it : no more suicide run.
Same for thing like keys if you want to secure it you will have to survive with it or buy it on the flee
Basicly anything can be sold on the flee now but i would put more restriction to valuable / doc + sicc / special item like all colored keycard can only be put on poutch (which would lock during games) and not allowed to be place on character (rigs +backpack ) from stach. -> still able to put them there during the raid dince you can't "secure it" in you buthole yet.
As for the Fir for quest there is 2 possibility get back to before fir when you could buy everything on the flee or change the quest for stuff like "my informant got Stolen X item on custom and i would like to get it back" or "i heard cargo of X item when getting shared on interchange by the locals go get me some".
This would keep the aspect fir that we have now.
What do you guys think ?
Does this would make the game better or should we keeo the way it is ?
Tldr :
Would like to see few change to the game to make it more enjoyable :
– no fir -> every thing that you get in raid is sellable on flee including other pmc gear
– lock poutch -> nothing in and out of poutch during raid only usable
– item restiction -> no valluable item on backpack or rig from stach only allowed on poutch (rip rtm)
– change in quest to get FiR aspect back (see exemple up)