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Does anyone else feel like Gwent is going more and more back to its Beta state?

witcher triss merigold gwint

I've been playing Gwent on and off since Beta. I remember the days when you could play 4-5 cards in one turn and the points generated were massive, like 100+. With Homecoming, I believe the devs wanted to limit the number of points generated and wanted to make it so that only one or two cards could be played in a single turn.

But these days, you see decks that easily get above 100 points in one round, even get to like 200. And multiple cards being played in a single turn is also making a comeback. NR plays Henselt into Raffard's Vengeance into Carrobalista that also draws a Siege Engineer. ST plays Fauve into Isengrim's Council into Simlas into two copies of Bountiful Harvest. Or SK playing its Discard package to pump out one Morkvarg and two Tuirseach Skirmishers in a single turn. Of course, it doesn't happen all the time but I see more and more decks able to do this now.

There's also a lot more binary decks where you instalose if you don't have the exact counter. Like triple Gernichora or triple Madocs, if you don't Heatwave their Gerni or Madoc, you're basically fucked.

Is it just me or does anyone else feel like this?


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