Dota needs changes to survive.

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero Warriors Ice

Not just survive… but THRIVE.

The reality is that Dota has not gained any new players in 2 years. Eventually the steady number will decline as it is inevitable for older players to stop playing the game. I don't know about you but I don't want the game I love and have spent 10,000 of my hours playing to die.

1 priority

We need a studio dedicated to updating the game. Dota will 100% die if this pathetic rate of balance changes and updates continues. Every single update in the past 2 years has been so barren in content, we need more than 2 patches a year. I remember how excited I was reading through 7.00, how many things they changed, it was amazing. I want that feeling back.

2 The game has been power-creeped to hell and back, heroes have been continuously buffed from their state in dota 1 when they were OP to begin with. I want the game to be more slow-paced which would make a great alternative to the to those who don't like the lighting-paced arcadey brawler that is league. I like neutral items, I like shards and Aghanim for all but if these are to remain there needs to be a serious reduction in power in the base game… such as the following examples which I believe would make the game more FUN and attract new players.

-Exp reduction from deny removed

-Utility slot for invis detection/wards/quelling blade added

-All disable durations reduced by 20%. Status resistance on items removed

-TP is now a spell which refreshes on a cooldown (cd increased)

-Blink dagger and all mobility spells range reduced by 20%

  • Base hero ms spread no more than 30 between highest and lowest.

-Removal of certain RNG sources

  • Uphill miss chance is now a flat 20% reduction of attack damage
  • Power rune location and type shown before spawn.
  • Neutral items are instead spawned as a token which can be exchanged for an item of your choosing at the shop
  • Bans now have a 100% chance.

-Add secondary Rosh-type boss monster, which rewards the team which slays it with either a buff or gold/exp

Hero reworks:

There are a few heroes which are just simply not healthy for the game in their current state and with a rework can be made more fun to play against AND with. Players became jaded at this concept due to all the half-assed attempts (clinkz and od) but the techies rework has shown that with some effort a hero can be changed in a way that makes the game better while keeping their "soul" intact.

  • Pudge: A hero which always has had a high pick and ban rate, one you never want to see in your game (both on the enemy team and yours). All of his power budget is in the hook thus he either has twice the impact of any hero or 0 impact depending on whether he can land it. How many times have you experienced a useless pudge sitting in trees missing his hooks and sapping exp? How many times have you as pudge players been run over because 3 of your abilities are worthless? Too many. I suggest nerfing his hook and giving more power to the rest of his kit.
    E.g Hook range reduced by 30%, W is now a delayed aoe blast which massively slows and damages enemies, E active component is now a short range aoe body slam which briefly stuns enemies it collides with.

  • Tinker: Another hero which players love to hate. There are two directions you can go with either completely changing what his ultimate does OR making his rockets a line missile skill shot (buffing damage and/or stun). Going with the second option allows the hero to remain the same conceptually but adds more skill expression into his kit while removing frustration from endless homing missile spam.


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