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Dvergr deaths are NOT a crime

Valheim – Quick Tips to Start

I read a preposterous post today in regards to Dvergr inhabitants in Valheim. The consideration that the Dvergr's are peaceful or benevolent in any capacity is incorrect.

Some Lore. The Dvergr were once like any other warrior sent to Valheim to prove themselves, that is until those warriors saught the easy way out through any means they could, to include taking from their fellow warriors or luring a warrior into a position that they would die faster, and in turn the "cast out" warriors, now called Dvergr would take all the hapless warriors loot.

To make matters worse, over time, the Dvergr's reputation for no tolerance added to their already dark presence. The Dvergr began taking trophies of the warriors they lured into traps or outright killed because of some small mistake that was made. The crates scattered around the Keeps of the Dvergr are not there for show, or for trade with other inhabitants of Valheim. The crates contain the brains of the dead warriors and are used as food by the Dvergr.

No warrior will ever see a Dvergr hunting rabbits or some other food source. The only thing found in the crates are BRAINS. Left to ferment slightly so they are tender and juicy for the Dvergr palate. The contraptions found in the glowing boxes…are actually brain extractors.

It worked for a while, many lazy, intolerant, deceitful warriors preying on others…then Odin the all father saw what was happening and twisted their bodies to match their greed and twisted ambitions and lack of patience or understanding towards another. Such is the fate of all warriors that take the easy way and prey on other warriors in Valheim.

Do not feel sorry for the Dvergr friends. Do not fall into a sense of camaraderie or feeling of safety when near them and you seemingly both fight the same foe. For while your focus is on the enemy, the Dvergr behind you is sizing up your brain and your loot to make a new box.

Ulf left a warning on the Rune Stones, he barely made it out alive after an encounter with the Dvergr, take heed as I add to that warning fellow warriors.


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