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Escape Velocity

Valheim – Quick Tips to Start

So my son (GalaxyBrain) and I were having this convo about the fact that you would need to throw a 3lb wrench with 2393.2N of force to knock the space station out of orbit… and I was about to log into Valheim, so I posed the following…

Beo — Today at 12:52 PM

I wonder how hard I'd have to hit a graydwarf to yeet his ass into orbit or off the edge of the world?

GalaxyBrain — Today at 12:52 PM


F=MA lmao

good luck finding out what the escape velocity of a graydwarf is though

So… in order to do that, I need to determine the force of gravity, because we cannot assume 9.8 m/s2 is the gravity in effect on this world. So in order to determine that, we need to drop a graydwarf off a tower, measure the time it takes to fall 100ft, and go from there. We have to assume no wind resistance, but it would be doable, right?

I feel like I'm missing something (other than the mass of the graydwarf, which we would be able to dertive, right? )

So I need some brains that can figure this bit of math out. Mine quit working years ago. Also, CAN we determine the escape velocity in this way?

There's lots more to the conversation…but I want to see if we are on the right track. If we are, I might just try to create this experiment. Dropping a graydwarf off a tall tower would be entertaining, at the very least.


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