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Every time Enigma dies to outworld destroyer it should be considered a bug. At least according to the lore. How does outworld destroyer actually kill enigma? how does anyone actually kill enigma? and the game not instantly end?

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero phantom lancer

I was playing a ranked game that had enigma on my team dying to outworld destroyer and while we were paused I pondered how does outworld destroyer actually kill enigma?

Outworld Destroyer's lore
According to the lore outworld destroyer is a sole surviving sentry of an outpost on the world at the rim of the abyss. In my mind this means has just a dude who is the sole survivor who used to be a base guard of an outpost.

Enigma's lore
Not much is known about enigma, he is considered a universal force, a consumer of worlds, He's a being of the void, at times corporeal, other times ethereal. Stories say he was a cursed alchemist. (maybe alchemist (the hero) if he got more funding and didn't have to invent a method to create gold). Other legends say he's an ancient being of strange gravity, the abyss basically. even older legends say he was the first collapsed star, a black hole grown complicated and sentient.

That's all the notable stuff in the biography's that I thought was relevant

Universal force definition: The four fundamental forces, also known as the Universal forces are electromagnetic force, strong nuclear force, weak nuclear force, and gravitation.

here's a link talking about the four universal forces if you wish to read more about them

now back on topic.

How can a mere sentry of an outpost ((OD) in my mind basically your average magical soldier) destroy the forces that hold our universe together? it makes no sense at all. For example if one of the universal forces; gravity for example, were to suddenly cease to exist even outworld destroyer would find their immediate doom because of it.

please fix this bug of enigma dying once and the game not ending instantly because without the universal forces operating, exactly how are the radiant and the dire supposed to have their war for control? All life in the universe and the universe would cease to exist.

for example

As far as my understanding, if gravity were cease to exist immediately wouldn't everything just drift apart in every world in the universe and all worlds in the universe would continually drift based from the force of the big bang (sorry Christians 🙁 ). Objects the have even the slightest bit of force added to them would just float indefinitely in the direction the force was going.

That's just the first issue but I'm tired as fuck right now like 44 hours without sleep.

Maybe someone who is smarter than me can explain?

lore update when? volvo?

also please give us another localization patch, because its the sole reason I play dota 2 to get localized by strangers online.

Edit: I think I'm going insane



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