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Explain this

Ciri Gwent witcher Game card

Help me understand this.

Built a Renfri Monster Thrive deck, pretty basic, nothing clever. Won a few straight before I got the "sorry we can't find you a game" message appeared. Straight after that I played a SY poison meme deck and lost. That was then followed by then facing three Monster decks in a row, I lost to all three for various reasons.

So I thought "I'll give that Syndicate poison meme a try, looked interesting". So I build the deck and win the first game. Then I get three games in a row, all lost, where I play 3 decks all with key Veil cards (NG, SK, ST). All the opponents would have been easily beaten by the previous MO thrive deck, yet I didn't draw those opponents. In fact, I faced NG 0 times out of 10 playing MO. Prior to that I had a SY Tidecloaks deck, and 75% of opponents were ST decks.

So what's the deal with this? This simply cannot be random. I cannot suddenly face Veil units when I need to poison them, can't suddenly face Yrden when I have a load of boosts. Is it designed to keep win rates at around 50%? There is something fundamentally wrong with having to face decks that counter my deck. No wonder the player base is so low, how can you have fun when matches are decided before you've even played a card?


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