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Fact: Homecoming was a failure

geralt tsirilla gwent the witcher card game gwen

Hello everyone,

Firstly, I'm not denying being an old sad boomer whos crying about some game instead of sleeping (5AM in Poland). Every month I'm checking to see if devs woke up and saw what they've done with the game. I waited for 2021 to end to wrote this, so let's get facts straight:

Homecoming reduced a playerbase by significant amount, and new players didn't make up for those who left – In 2017 Gwent had 15.8M hours watched on twitch, in 2019 it had 7.1M, in 2020 – 10.1M and in 2021 – 11.1M source

You can't blame those numbers on overall descending witcher popularity, main game The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt actually grew from 8.2M hours watched in 2017 to 10.5M in 2021. We had game launched for mobile and Netflix helping with the hype.

I don't care if you like homecoming or not, just like you probably don't care that I hate it but facts are facts.

I feel robbed. The worst thing is there's no "legal" way to play the game, I have to download shady chinese versions of game and queue for hours to find somebody to play. Swim deleted the videos, my other fav content creator Gogol had his channel deleted on youtube, so I can't even go back to the old good days. This is the first example that I know of the game being practically banned by devs. I recently downloaded pizza syndicate, title from 1999 and I'm perfectly able to run it and play in 2022, but I can't play the game I really loved.

Remember: it's okay to make a mistake, but you have to learn from it, admit your policy was a failure and do everything you can to fix it


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