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First wipe : level 42 reached

As the title say : this is my first wipe, I bought the game during christmas holidays after lurking for quite a while. What a good decision, what a blast !

I know I don't have time to grind for Kappa so reaching level 42 was my big "goal" (as well as completing a few special tasks such as SBIH). After 433 raid here I am, level 42. It feels really good !

Stats for those who are curious !

Killed 704 scavs and 183 PMCs.

Edit : and I exclusively played solo. No friend of mine are playing, and I like being a lone wolf (even though it's sometimes frustrating to go down after almost wiping squads)

I honestly feel pretty proud of myself. I was expecting to be destroyed and clapped all the way around, and even if it definitly happened (and still happens sometimes) I also managed to win a lot of good fights, land some pretty long distance shots, learn all the map (except Labs, I'm not a Chad yet) and completing tasks that I thought would block me forever (SBIH, Bullshit, Jaeger's tasks..)

Now I do have a major issue though : since the beginning, I've been following my tasks and it helped me getting clear goal before each raid. Now that the tasks left are basically grindy ones, I end up wandering aimelessly in raid. What are your objectives lategame ? Just PvP and chasing every gunshots ?

Do you have cheeky goals, or things to do mid-wipe and past level 42 ?

Thanks !


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